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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Rolling out the steamroller?

Something to look forward to?
from The Texas Republicans alert site:

Senate Republicans threaten to go 'nuclear' to end judicial filibusters

Legislative weapon would end delays over some Bush nominations

Senate Republicans, boldly confident after their Nov. 2 electoral success, are preparing to end months of frustrating delays over President Bush's judicial picks by hitting Democrats with their ultimate legislative weapon.

But the Republican threat to neuter long-cherished filibuster rules by steamrolling Democrats is risky — so potentially destructive that Capitol Hill calls it the "nuclear option." Democratic retaliation would be swift and long-lasting, raising the prospect of escalating clashes in a body that prides itself on gentility and cool judgment.

For the rest, go here

You can't respond through that site unless you live in Texas (and it's unclear to me what kind of letter might be prepared for this issue--I can't tell from the article if they are for or against the steamrolling) but you can use the link on our sidebar if you want to make your own thoughts known to your congressfolk.


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