Justice Sandra Day O'Connor retiring
From the BBC:
I'm a little bit afraid. Anyone else?
Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the conservative American Center for Law and Justice, is confident that Mr Bush would nominate someone who shares the president's conservative judicial philosophy to replace Justice O'Connor.
He says there has never been more of an organised lobbying effort "on our side - ever".
Ralph G Neas, president of the left-leaning People For the American Way Foundation, says the top priority of the "radical right" is gaining dominance in the Supreme Court.
That goal is more within reach than at any point in the past two decades, he believes.
"A court with more justices who share the radical legal philosophy of the far right's favorites... would reverse decades of legal and social justice accomplishments," says Mr Neas.
I'm a little bit afraid. Anyone else?
There are many groups with action alerts allowing you to contact your senator. Please use one to voice your opinion. Otherwise other people will voice their opinions for you.
The "radical right" have been organizing their members for write-in campaigns ever since the possibility of a resignation was suggested months ago.
Here are two places to send email from if you are hoping for a more moderate nomination than is currently likely:
BlogShy, at 4:07 PM
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