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Monday, July 04, 2005

Black Box Voting reports

I don't know if any of you follow Black Box Voting (link above)on a regular basis, but these folks have been working tirelessly since long before this last election to clean up our badly flawed election system. They've uncovered numerous instances of outright fraud. Amazingly, the press remains mostly silent. Gotta love Big Brother, er, I mean, Big Business.

There are two very interesting reports there recently, one on July 3rd about the Diebold Corporation's earnings restatement, conveniently released just before a holiday weekend. (Diebold is the voting machine manufacture for a large percentage of the country, and has strong ties to the Republican party. The fact their machines are easily manipulated does not appear to disturb the folks buying them overly much.) In the restatement, Diebold cites the following issues: "potential security violations to the company's information technology systems" -- "challenges raised about reliability and security of election systems products, including the risk that such products will not be certified for use or will be decertified" -- and "unanticipated litigation, claims or assessments". Looks like the Black Box Voting people are making some serious inroads there!

The second report, released July 4th, is the Black Box Report, discussing "the mother of all security holes" in the Diebold system.

Oh, and speaking of news conveniently released just before a holiday, how about the name Karl Rove turning up in the notes of the reporters who leaked that CIA agent's identity? His lawyer denies he was involved, of course, though they do admit a conversation with the reporters took place.

"For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men -"
--Shakespeare, Julius Caesar


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